
ClearVision Addons

Addons created for the ClearVision theme. Some addons might not work properly with other themes but should function well with most.

Support: ClearVision Support Server

Table of Contents

Addons Overview

ClearVision Addons enhance the overall appearance and functionality of the ClearVision theme. Below is an overview of each addon and the changes they introduce:


Enhance your theme with colorful gradients.

Maintained by Nyx


@import url(;

Add the following at the bottom inside of the :root selector:

/* Gradients */
--gradient-color1: var(--main-color); /* primary color [default: var(--main-color)] */
--gradient-color2: var(--hover-color); /* secondary color [default: var(--hover-color)] */
--gradient-direction: 130deg; /* angle of gradient [default: 130deg] */

Customize the values as needed, and you're done!

Server Size

Adjust the server size with a simple variable.

Maintained by Nyx


@import url(;

Add the following at the bottom inside of the :root selector:

/* Server Size */
--server-size: 48px;

Change the value as needed to customize it, and you're set!

Old Discord Font

Revert to the old Discord font, Whitney.

Maintained by Nyx, with credit to Overimagine1 for updates.


@import url(;

Change your --main-font back to Whitney:

--main-font: Whitney, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Note: If you already have a Whitney font import, this step may be unnecessary.

Speech Bubbles

Transform your chat text into speech bubbles for a fresh look.

Maintained by Leozard


@import url(;

Optional: Customize the bubble colors by adding this inside the :root selector:

/* Speech Bubbles */
--bubble-color: #fff;
--bubble-hover-color: #fff;

Text Area Underline

Replace the default text area outline with an elegant, dynamic underline</strong>.</p>

Maintained by Randymations


@import url(;

Done! The underline color will respect your --main-color.